07 November 2011

Shamrao Vithal Bank Clerical Cadre Recruitment 2011

SVC BankThe Shamrao Vithal Co-operative Bank Ltd., a 105 year old Bank and one amongst the leading top three Urban Co-operative Banks in the country is hiring talented and aspiring individuals for the post of Customer Service Representative (CSR) in Clerical Cadre of the Bank.

Post Name

Age Limit

Pay Scale

Customer Service Representative(CSR) /CLERICAL CADRE

30 years for graduates / post graduates / double graduates

Graduate of a recognized University with minimum 45% marks and adequate knowledge of computer application.

Application fee: Rs. 350/- (Non refundable), The payment towards recruitment application fees can be made from 15.11.2011 onwards, up to 29.11.2011.

How To Apply: Interested candidates  are advised to apply online between November 15,2011 to November 29,2011 (both days inclusive).

Detailed Information: http://www.svcbank.com/docs/Guidelines%20Document%20-%20CSR.pdf

by | Last Updated on 2011-11-07T11:08:06Z