28 November 2011

MPPGCL Recruitment November 2011 Executive Trainee, Accounts Officer, Shift chemist and Plant Assistant (ITI) Trainee

mppgclM.P. Power Generating Company Limited,  a successor power generating company of M.P. State Electricity Board (MPSEB), is having its Thermal and Hydel power stations located at various places in the State of M P. The Company intends to induct around 186 Executive Trainee,  19 Accounts Officer, 24 Shift chemist and 135 Plant Assistant (ITI) Trainee,  in various disciplines, for Operation & Maintenance, including panel operations, and other support functions, for the existing and upcoming Thermal and Hydel Power Stations of the company.


Name of the Post

No of Vacancies

Age Limit

Pay Scale


Executive Trainee

234 (5 posts reserved for Person with Disability candidate)

20 to 27 Years

Rs.  15600 + other allowances.


Plant Assistant (ITI) Trainee


18 to 27 Years

Rs. 5200 + other allowances.

How To Apply: Eligible candidates have to apply through the prescribed Application Format available on web site of MPPGCL with a Demand Draft/Banker Cheque of Rs. 1000/- (Rs. One thousand) only issued in favour  of Sr.Accounts Officer (COG&HS) MPPGCL, payable at Jabalpur, as examination fee for General & OBC candidate. However SC/ ST/PD candidates are exempted from examination fee of  Rs.  1000/-.  The application  complete in all respect  with copies of required certificates and Demand Draft/Banker Cheque as examination fee shall be submitted to “THE POST BAG NO. 23, LAJPAT NAGAR POST OFFICE NEW DELHI – 110024” on or before 15-12-2011.

Application Format: http://www.mppgenco.nic.in/careers.htm

Detailed Document: http://www.mppgenco.nic.in/final%20advertisement.pdf

by | Last Updated on 2011-11-28T14:04:45Z