13 November 2011

Institute of Life Sciences Bhubaneswar Jobs 2011 Research Associate / SRF

Institute of Life Sciences (ILS) Bhubaneswar an Autonomous Institute of Department of Biotechnology, Government of India, invites application for the post of Research Associate /SRF under the project of “Temporal and spatial expression pattern of ethylene and starch synthesizing genes during development of rice kernels contrast for grain weight (Funded by DBT, Govt. of India).”

Post Name

No of Post

Age Limit



Research Associate / SRF


40 Years

Rs.22, 000/- per month plus @ 20% HRA.

Candidates having Ph.D in Botany/ Biotechnology or M.Sc in Agricultural Science/Biotechnology  or M.Tech in Biotechnology with at least three years of research experience in molecular biology, evidenced by publication and work done. Candidates with M.Sc. in Botany/Biotechnology with at least two years of research experience in molecular biology, evidenced by publication and work done, may also apply. In the latter case, however, the candidate will be appointed as SRF.

How To Apply: Interested and eligible candidates may apply with detailed bio-data with attested copies of all relevant certificates to the Director, Institute of Life Sciences, Nalco Square, Bhubaneswar-751023 on or before 21.11.2011 (3.00PM).

Detailed Advertisement: http://www.ils.res.in/jobpost_doc_advt.htm

by | Last Updated on 2011-11-13T14:10:42Z