Central Board For Workers Education (CBWE) sponsored by the Ministry of Labour and Employment, Government of India, set up in 1958 aims at imparting education to workers and their representatives in subjects like Industrial Relations, Trade Union Canorousness, Leadership Development, Management of Trade Union activities etc. The Head Office of the Board is located at Nagpur. Applications are invited for the posts of Education Officers in Central Board for Workers Education.
Post Name | No of Posts | Age Limit | Pay Scale | Qualification |
Education Officers | 57 | UR-28 Years, SC/ST – 33 years, OBC/PH – 31 years | Rs.5500-175-9000 (pre-revised) | A Second Class Master’s Degree of a recognized University in |
Application Fee: A non-refundable crossed Demand Draft of Rs.200/- for General and OBC and for SC/ST Rs.100/ towards application fee drawn in favor of the ‘Director, Central Board for Workers Education, Nagpur’ payable at Nagpur.
How To Apply: Application complete in all respects in the prescribed format, should be sent to the Director, Central Board For Workers Education, North Ambazari Road, Nagpur – 440 033 so as to reach on or before 18-11-2011.
Application Form: http://www.cbwe.gov.in/HTMLEditor1/pdf/EOApplicationForm.pdf
Detailed Info: http://www.cbwe.gov.in/HTMLEditor1/pdf/EOApplicationTerms.pdf
by Admin | Last Updated on 2011-11-03T09:24:06Z