25 October 2011

APGENCO Junior Plant Attendants Recruitment 2011 (1755 Vacancies)

apgencoAndhra Pradesh Generation Corporation Limited  (APGENCO) Hyderabad invites application for the post of Junior Plant Attendants for filling up of 1086 posts by Direct Recruitment as per Notification No.01/CGM (HR)/2010, dtd.05-01-2011 was in progress, the GOAP have sanctioned additional posts of 669 in the cadre of JPA to meet the man power requirement of the Power Generating Stations of APGENCO.

Post Name

No of Vacancies

Age Limit

Pay Scale

Junior Plant Attendants


Not below 18 years and not more than 35 years


Education Qualification: Must possess SSLC/SSC/10th Class with ITI in Electrician/Fitter/Machinist/ Wireman/Welder/Turner/Mechanic  (Diesel)/Instrument  Mechanic/ Draughtsman (Mechanical)/2-Years Vocational Course in Electrician Trade as on 01.10.2011.

Application Fee: Rs.150/- as registration fee in any one of AP online centre (or) AP online Portal to obtain journal number.

How To Apply: Candidates are required to apply online through http://www.apgenco.gov.in  and or http://apgenco.cgg.gov.in  from 20-10-2011 to 10-11-2011 up to 11:59 pm.

Detailed information: Click Here

by | Last Updated on 2011-12-15T07:34:57Z