04 October 2011

Adhyapak Sahayak Recruitment 2011 in Grant-in-aid-colleges (Total 532 Vacancies)

The  Office of the  Commissioner of Higher Education, Government of Gujarat, Gandhinagar, invites online application from eligible candidates to fill up 532 vacant posts in different subjects in various grant-in-aid Colleges of the State.

Name of Post

No of Vacancies

Subject Wise Vacancies List

Adhyapak Sahayak


Chemistry - 35, Industrial Chemistry  - 02, Physics - 35, BOtany - 14, Constellation - 02, Biochemistry - 04, Microbiology - 07,Mathematics - 26, Computer Science - 09, Gujarati - 14, Sanskrit - 13, Hindi - 04, Angneji - 55, Sociology - 07, Psychology - 22, Rajayasastra - 03, History - 09, Geology - 03, Economics - 57, Accountancy - 12, Law - 31, Commerce - 07, Commerce / Accountancy - 44, Statistics - 12, Pitiai - 57, Management - 05, Law (Business Law) - 03, Prakrit - 01, Education (Bieda) - 29, Home Science - 04, Physical therapist - 01, Coach ethalentika - 01, Gymnastics Coach – 01

How To Apply: Candidates are required to apply online http://www.cheguj.com  within 10 day after publication of this advertisement published on 1st October 2011.

Further Detailed Information: http://www.cheguj.com/as2011/index.aspx

by | Last Updated on 2011-10-04T05:08:21Z