Lok Nayak Hospital New Delhi, Office of the Medical Superintendent, Government of NCE of Delhi invites application in the prescribed format from eligible candidates for the post of Senior Residents (Tenure of Three Year) in Lok Nayak Hospital.
Post Name | No of Vacancies | Age Limit | Pay Scale | Qualification |
Senior Residents | 120 | 35 Years | Rs.15600-39100 + GP.Rs.6600/- | Post Doctoral Degree holders. |
Disciplines: Anaesthesia, Bio-Chemistry,Burns&Plastic Surgery, Clinical Pathology,E.N.T, Gen.Surgery, Medicine, Microbiology, Neuro Surgery, Obst.& Gynae, Orthopedics, Peadiatrics, Radiology, Skin&VD, Radio Therapy.
How To Apply: Application in the prescribed format available at official website. The application complete in all respect along with Demand Draft of application fee and attested copies of all testimonials / Certificates must reach to the Office of The Addl.MS(Admn), LNH, Room No.105 by 14.09.2011.
Further Detailed Info: http://www.delhi.gov.in/wps/wcm/connect/doit_lnjp/LNJP/Home/Hospital+Vacancy
by Admin | Last Updated on 2011-09-06T09:32:40Z