28 September 2011

LIC Western Zonal FSE Recruitment September 2011 (137 Vacancies)

LICLife Insurance Corporation of India (LIC) Western Zonal Office, Mumbai invites application for the post of Financial Services Executive (FSE) to work in various offices of the Corporation on a contract basis for 3 years.

Post Name

No of Vacancies

Age Limit


Financial Services Executive (FSE)


21 to 35 Years as on  01.09.2011.

Bachelor’s Degree of a University in India
established under a statute. Preference may be given to those applicants who possess  a Bachelor Degree or Diploma in Marketing / Management. Good working knowledge of English and also one Regional language, preferably  the local language, is desirable. 
Knowledge of soft skills such as Power Point / Word / Excel would be an additional advantage.

Application Fee: Demand Draft of Rs 100/- (other than SC/ST category) towards application fees drawn in favour of LIC of India payable at the Divisional Head Quarter of the office where the application is submitted.

How To Apply: The Application Forms (prescribed form) completed in all respects together with the enclosures should be sent to the respective Divisional Offices in a closed cover marked  “Engagement of Financial Services Executives.” The Last date for receipt of Application Forms together with the Demand Drafts and other requirements will be 12/10/2011.

Detailed Notification: http://www.licindia.in/pages/WZ_FSE_Notification_2011_12.pdf

by | Last Updated on 2011-09-28T12:23:21Z