09 January 2012

BHEL Engineer Trainee Recruitment 2012-13 (800 Vacancies)

bhelBharat Heavy Electricals Limited (BHEL), A Government of India Undertaking, Engineers Trainee Recruitment 2012-13. BHEL invites applications from young and energetic Graduate Engineers for the position of Engineer Trainee in various disciplines.
Name of the Post
No of Vacancies
Age Limit
Scale of Pay
Engineers Trainee
800 (Mechanical-550, Electrical-175, Electronics-75)
27 Years
Rs. 20600-46500/-
Bachelor's degree holders in Engineering /Technology (4 years after 10 +2 ) / or Five year integrated Master's degree or Dual Degree programme in Engineering or Technology in the disciplines of Mechanical /Electrical /Electronics Engineering.
How To Apply: Candidates who wish to apply for Engineer Trainee position in BHEL for the year 2012-13 will be required to take the Graduate Aptitude Test of Engineering - 2012 (GATE-2012). The scores obtained in GATE-2012 will be utilized by BHEL for inviting candidates for a Personal Interview for consideration for the position of Engineer Trainees. After submitting applications for GATE-2012, candidates will be allotted Registration No. Candidates will have to separately apply on-line to BHEL for which BHEL recruitment website http://careers.bhel.in on or before 28th January 2012. The last date of Acknowledgment Slips at BHEL: 22nd February 2012 (Last date of receipt of Ack. Slips from far flung area/North East: 29th February, 2012).

by | Last Updated on 2012-01-09T07:15:00Z