14 August 2011

Lucknow University Jobs 2011 Project Fellow

Lucknow UniversityUniversity of Lucknow invites application for the post of Project Fellow under the U.G.C. Project entitled, “An exploratory study on antecedents of ethnocentrism, consumer ethnocentrism and purchase intention of consumers” in the Department of Business  Administration, University of Lucknow, Lucknow. The appointment will be made purely on a temporary basis for two years up to the end of the project.

Post Name

No of post

Age Limit



Project Fellow


40 years

Rs. 8, 000/per month.

M.B.A. /Masters in related subject with minimum 55% marks.

Candidates are required to submit their application along with attested copies of all relevant certificates to the undersigned via email, post or by hand. No TA/DA shall be paid if called for the interview. Interview Date: September 3rd 2011.

Detailed Information: http://www.lkouniv.ac.in/appointment/app_bus_admin_rn.pdf

by | Last Updated on 2011-08-14T13:17:03Z