26 August 2011

IISC Bangalore Recruitment 2011 Secretarial Assistant Trainees and Hindi Secretarial Assistant Trainee

iiscIndian Institute of Science (IISC) Bangalore requires Secretarial Assistant Trainees at this Institute and Hindi Secretarial Assistant Trainee in the Official Language Unit at the Institute.


Name of the Post

No of Vacancies

Minimum Qualification


Secretarial Assistant Trainees


Three years Diploma in Secretarial/ Commercial Practice (English) with Computer Literacy OR Bachelor’s degree in Arts/Science/Commerce or equivalent with computer literacy.


Hindi Secretarial Assistant Trainee


Bachelor’s degree in Arts/Science/Commerce or equivalent and should have studied Hindi as First/Second language or as an optional subject. Knowledge of Hindi, English Typing with computer literacy.

How To Apply: The application, with necessary enclosures should be sent to ASSISTANT REGISTRAR, ESTABLISHMENT SECTION (UNIT-IB), INDIAN INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE, BANGALORE-560012, superscribing on the envelope “Application for ……..” on or before 09.09.2011.

Details: http://www.iisc.ernet.in/opportunities/sat/SAT_2011.htm

by | Last Updated on 2011-12-15T08:17:15Z