G.B. Pant Institute of Himalayan Environment & Development (GBPIHED) invites applications for the post of Technical Group-IV-1(Library). Advertisement No. GBPI-1/2011.
Post Name | No of Post | Age Limit | Pay Scale | Qualification |
Technical Group-IV | 01 | 28 years | Rs. 5500-175-9000 (Revised PB- | 1st Class B. Lib. Science or equivalent from recognized |
How To Apply: Desirous candidates fulfilling essential qualifications may send their typed application on plain paper along with one passport size photograph duly signed by the applicant, attested copies of academic records/certificates, details of experience and bio-data giving (1) Name (in block letters) (2) father’s/husband’s name (3) date of birth (4) General/OBC/SC/ST (5) permanent address (6) present postal address with phone no. and e-mail ID (7) academic qualifications (beginning from matriculation) along with percentage of marks obtained (8) salary, position(s) held (previous and present) with pay scales and
duration, to the Administrative officer, G.B. Pant Institute of Himalayan Environment & Development, Kosi-Katarmal, Almora – 263 643 (Uttarakhand) through proper channel (if already employed) under sealed cover through registered/speed post so as to reach on or before September 9, 2011.
Detailed Advertisement: http://gbpihed.gov.in/AdvtLib090811.pdf
by Admin | Last Updated on 2011-08-18T13:48:24Z