23 August 2011

Central Bank of India Jobs 2011 for Directors

CBICentral Bank of India (CBI), a leading Public Sector Bank is looking for retired bank officers in scale III and above, having experience of working in any public sector bank/SBI (i.e. our Bank/any other Public Sector Bank/State Bank of India) and with relevant expertise, for recruitment on contract as Incharges for its RSETIs and FLCCs already opened and to be opened.

Post Name

Age Limit



Director RSETI and
Incharge of FLCC

Less Than 65 Years with
sound health.

Rs. 25,000/- per month

Graduate/ Post Graduate degree  from a UGC recognized University.

How To Apply: Eligible candidates have to submit their applications in the prescribed format. Last date for receipt of application is 03.09.2011. No applications shall be entertained beyond the stipulated date.  
Address the application, Superscribing “Application for the post of Recruitment as In charge of RSETI/FLCC on contract” to “Zonal Manager,  Central Bank of India,  Pawapuri Vihar Bhagwanpur Chowk Muzaffarpur
PIN- 842001.”

Detailed Info: https://www.centralbankofindia.co.in/upload/RECRUITMENT_ZOMUZ.pdf

by | Last Updated on 2011-08-23T11:20:05Z