11 July 2011

Indian School of Mines Recruitment 2011 Junior Research Fellow and Field Assistant

indian school of mineIndian School of Mines, Dhanbad invites application for the position of Junior Research Fellow (1 No) and Field Assistant (1 No.) in a MRD sponsored R&D project.


Post Name

Age Limit




Junior Research Fellow (JRF)

35 Years

Rs.12,000/- (fixed) per month

B.Tech in Civil/Computer Science & Engg/ M. Tech. (Env. Science & Engg.)/M.Sc. in Environmental Science / Chemistry/Botany/ Biotechnology/ Geology/Microbiology.


Field Assistant

30 Years

Rs. 8,000/- (fixed) per month

M. Sc. /B.Sc. in Environmental Science / Chemistry/Botany/Geology/Bio-Technology/Microbiology.

How To Apply: Applications on A4 size plain paper as well as the soft copies giving details of qualifications/experiences should be submitted electronically followed by Hard Copies to the Principal Investigator (Dr. S. K. Gupta), Associate Professor, Centre of Mining Environment, Department of Env. Sc. & Engg., Indian School of Mines, Dhanbad, Email: skgsunil@gmail.com . Last Date: 15th July 2011.

Detailed Document: http://www.ismdhanbad.ac.in/noticeboard/project-fellow/JRF_FA_ESE_SKG.doc

by | Last Updated on 2011-12-15T08:18:11Z