16 July 2011

Civil Aviation Department Lucknow Recruitment 2011 for Pilots (08 Posts)

CADCivil Aviation Department (CAD) Lucknow, Government of Uttar Pradesh invites application for the post Pilot (Fixed Wing) on contract basis. Civil Aviation Department Walk In Interview will be conducted on 03.08.2011 at 12.00 in the office of The Director, Civil Aviation, UP, Lucknow Airport, Lucknow.


Name of the Post

No of Posts




Pilot (Fixed Wing)


Rs.1,50,000/- to Rs.2,50,000/- Per month

The candidate should possess current Airlines Transport Pilot License or Commercial Pilot License (Fixed Wing) and endorsement of twin engine aircraft, Flight Radio Telephone Operator and Radio Telephony (Restricted Aero mobile) (FRTO & RTR).


Pilot (Rotor Wing)


Rs.1,50,000/- to Rs.2,50,000/- Per month

The candidate should possess current Airlines Transport Pilot License (H) or Commercial Helicopter Pilot License, Flight Radio Telephone Operator and Radio Telephony (Restricted Aero mobile) (FRTO & RTR).

How To Apply: A complete bio-data of the candidate indicating his Name, Father's name, Permanent address, address for correspondence, date of birth, age as on 01.07.2011, category & caste, academic/technical qualifications and experience etc. accompanied by attested copies of certificates and testimonials should be sent to the Office of the Director, Civil Aviation, U.P., Lucknow Airport, Lucknow by E-Mail dsca@sancharnet.in or by post by 31.07.2011.

Detailed Advertisement: http://civilaviation.up.nic.in/Tender/Adv%20English.pdf

by | Last Updated on 2011-07-16T13:48:27Z