15 July 2011

BHEL Hyderabad Recruitment 2011 for Engineers (172 Vacancies) | bhelrpdcareers.bhelrpt.co.in

bhelBharat Heavy Electricals Limited (BHEL), A NAVRATNA PSUs, catering to core sectors of Indian Economy viz. Power Generation, Transmission, Industry, Transportation, Telecommunication and Renewable Energy, requires bright Experienced Engineering Professionals (Total 172 POsts) for its Research & Product Development and Engineering functions at Bhopal, Haridwar, Hyderabad, Ranipet, Tiruchirapalli, Corporate R&D – Hyderabad, Project Engineering Management Division – Noida.


Name of the Post

Age Limit

Scale of Pay


Sr. Engineer (E2)

32 Years

Rs. 29100-54500


Dy. Manager (E3)

36 Years

Rs. 32900-58000


Manager (E4)

39 Years

Rs. 36600-62000


Sr. Manager (E5)

42 Years

Rs. 43200-66000


Dy. Gen Manager (E6)

45 Years

Rs. 43200-66000

How To Apply: Eligible candidates apply online through BHEL recruitment website on or before 06/08/2011. After submitting the application ON-LINE, a unique Acknowledgement No. will be allotted to the candidate. This number will be displayed on Acknowledgement Slip with certain other details. Candidates are required, to take two print-outs of this Acknowledgement Slip. Retain one copy of Acknowledgement Slip with them. Send the other copy of Acknowledgment slip by ordinary post along with enclosures in a cover superscribing “Application for the Post Code ________ Grade _____________”

Dy General Manager (HR),
BHEL Corporate R&D, Vikasnagar,
Hyderabad - 500093,
Andhra Pradesh

Last Date for receipt of application is 13/08/2011 (Last date for receipt of acknowledgement slip from far flung areas: 20/08/2011).

Detailed Information: http://bhelrpdcareers.bhelrpt.co.in/

by | Last Updated on 2011-07-15T06:13:04Z