09 July 2011

BEML Limited Recruitment 2011 Receptionist Jobs | www.bemlindia.com

BEML Limited, a pioneering Multi Business (Defence, Mining & Construction, Rail & Metro, Aerospace and Dredging) Heavy Engineering Company is looking for  Receptionist on Contract Basis for its Corporate Office at Bangalore.

Post Name

Age Limit


Minimum PQ Experience


25 Years

Rs.6000/- 1st year, Rs.7000/- 2nd  year

2 Years

Application Fee: Eligible and interested candidates (Not applicable  for SC/ST/PWD) need to pay a fee of Rs.100/- by downloading the challan available in the BEML website and by remitting the same only in State Bank of India in the BEML Account No. 31006750220.

he last date for submission of application by on-line is 20th July 2011.

Detailed Information: http://www.bemlindia.com/documents/jobs/KP-S-18-2011.pdf

by | Last Updated on 2011-07-09T13:40:43Z