03 June 2011

NABET QCI Recruitment 2011 Director / Joint Director

NABETNABET one of the constituent Board of Quality Council of India (QCI) invites applications from professionals for the post of Deputy Director/ Joint Director. Deputy Director with 10 years experience & Joint Director with 15 years experience in EIA.

Post Name

Qualification & Experience

Director / Joint Director

  1. Bachelors degree in any branch of Engineering or
  2. Masters degree in Environmental Sciences/ Environmental Studies/ Environmental Management
  3. Minimum 10 years experience for the post of Deputy Director and minimum 15 years experience for post of Joint Director in the field of environment management in industry/ with consultants or with institutions/ industry associations. Preference will be given to candidates having exposure to Environmental Impact Assessment.

How To Apply: Send your resume with a photograph and 2 references before 14th June 2011 to “Secretary General” at QCI address in the prescribed application : National Accreditation Board for Education and Training (NABET), Quality Council of India (QCI), 2nd Floor, Institution of Engineers Building,  Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg, N. Delhi – 110 002.

Details: http://www.qcin.org/careers.php

by | Last Updated on 2011-06-03T13:55:32Z