28 June 2011

IARI Recruitment 2011 Senior Project Fellow | www.iari.res.in

IARIWalk-in-interview will be held in the Division of Plant Pathology, IARI, New Delhi-110012 for the position of one Senior Project Fellow each under the DST-TIFAC funded project entitled “On Farm Demonstration and Commercial Production of Trichoderma as Bio-Pesticide & Growth Promoter” and Contract research project entitled  “Research on High Density CFU Microbial Formulation” respectively on 14th July, 2011 (Thursday).

Name of the Post

No of Posts

Age Limit



Senior Project Fellow
(DST-TIFAC project)


35 years

Rs. 12,000/-  +  30% H.R.A.

M.Sc. (Ag) / M.Sc. (Life Sciences)/ M.Sc. (Biotechnology) with good academic record &
knowledge of computers.

Senior Project Fellow
(Contract Research


35 years

Rs. 12,000/-  +  30% H.R.A

Agriculture with special reference to Plant Pathology  having good academic record.

Walk In Interview Date: 14th July 2011.

Detailed Info: http://www.iari.res.in/files/job-pathology-14-7-2011.pdf

by | Last Updated on 2011-12-15T08:18:13Z