22 June 2011

HPSC HCS Exam 2011 | HPSC Civil Judge Recruitment 2011 (108 Vacancies)

HPSCThe Haryana Public Service Commission (HPSC) invites applications from eligible candidates for the posts of Civil Judge (Junior Division) in the Haryana Civil Service (Judicial Branch). HPSC H.C.S (Judicial Branch) Examination 2011. Advertisement No.03.

Post Name

No of Posts

Age Limit

Scale of Pay


Civil Judge (Junior Division)

80+28 Unforeseen posts

21 to 40 Years as on 20.07.2011

Rs.27,700 - 44,770

No person shall be eligible to be appointed a Civil Judge (Junior Division) unless he holds a degree of Bachelor of Laws from a University established by the law and approved/recognized by the Bar Council of India.

How To Apply: Candidates should ensure that the duly filled application forms for admission to the Preliminary Examination must reach Commission’s office at Bays No. 1-10, Block-B, Sector-4, Panchkula by post or by personal delivery by close of office working on or before the closing date i.e. 20.07.2011 (27.07.2011 for applicants from forward remote areas).

Detailed Advertisement: http://hpsc.gov.in/Advertisement/Advertisement%20No.%203%20HCS%28JB%292011.pdf

by | Last Updated on 2011-06-22T05:52:56Z