Heavy Engineering Corporation Limited (HECL), A Government of India Enterprise invites applications from hardworking and dedicated technical workers in various trades (Total 382 Posts).
Post Name | No of Posts | Age Limit | Pay Scale | Qualification |
Technical Workers | 382 (Machinist-145, Turner-81, Fitter-44, Rigger cum Crane Operator-43, Electrician-36, Moulder-10, Welder-9, Forgeman cum Blacksmith-3, Operator Gas Plant-8, Boiler Attendant-3) | 30 years | Rs.7,500/- PM First Year, Rs.8,500/- PM 2nd Year | Class Xth or Matriculation; and. Industrial Training |
Application Fee: Demand Draft of Rs.150/- only in favour of “M/s Heavy Engineering Corporation Ltd” drawn on any nationalized bank and payable at Ranchi. SC/ST/ PH candidates and persons working under labour cooperatives / contractors on the work orders awarded by HEC Ltd are exempted from the fee.
How To Apply: The duly filled in application form should be sent in closed envelope super-scribing on the top prominently “Name of the “Trade”. Applicants applying for more than one Trade should apply for each Trade separately. Application should reach the office of “The Senior Manager (P&A) / Hqrs, HEC Ltd, Plant Plaza Road, Dhurwa, Ranchi-834004 on or before 30th June, 2011.
Detailed Advertisement: http://www.hecltd.com/download/jobs/advt_rt04-2011_TechWorkers.pdf
by Admin | Last Updated on 2011-06-06T06:33:16Z