28 April 2011

TNPSC Advertisement No.273 | TNPSC Jobs 2011 of Assistant Editor, Dairy Assistant and Mass Interviewer

tnpscTamil Nadu Public Service Commission (TNPSC) - Applications are invited upto 5.45 P.M on 17-05-2011 for direct recruitment to the vacancies for the following posts. Advertisement No:273.


Name of the Post

No of Post

Age Limit

Pay Scale



Dairy Assistant


18-35 years

Rs.9,300-34800/- + Grade Pay 4500/- (PB2)

A first class Master’s degree in History or Sociology or Politics or Public Administration or Anthropology or Geography or Economics or Commerce or International Law or Constitutional Law or Library Science or Statistics or Journalism.


Assistant Editor


18-30 years

Pay 4200/- (PB2)

Must possess the minimum general educational qualification (And) Must possess a diploma in Dairying (Indian Dairying Diploma) awarded by the
Board of Dairy Education, Government of India.


Mass Interviewer


21-30 years

Rs. 5,200 -20,200/-+
Grade Pay 2,400/- (PB1)

B.A., or B.Sc., degree in Anthropology or Sociology or Economics or Home Science or Social Work of any university or Institution recognized by the University Grants Commission for the purpose of its grants.

How To Apply: OMR application form along with an INFORMATION BROCHURE on payment of Rs.30/- available any one of the HEAD POST OFFICES or Selected Sub- Post Offices in Tamil Nadu. (OR) Candidates can also avail of the facility of applying Online on the Commission’s Website at www.tnpsc.gov.in  Candidates applying Online should possess and keep ready Postal receipt for Rs.130/- (i.e. Application fee Rs.30/- + and Examination fee Rs. 100/-) and those claiming fee exemption should possess Postal  receipt for Rs.30/- obtained from any one of the Head Post Offices / selected Sub- Post Offices.

Filled in applications  (OMR/Online application i.e. printout generated from the website duly signed by the Candidate) must be sent to the Controller of Examinations, Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission, No.1, Greams Road, Chennai – 600 006  well in advance so as to reach the Commission’s Office before 5.45 P.M. on 17-05-2011.

Detailed Information: http://tnpsc.gov.in/Notifications/273_not_eng_ae_da_mi_2k11.pdf

by | Last Updated on 2011-12-15T08:18:48Z