07 April 2011

New Delhi Municipal Council Recruitment 2011 Assistant Sanitary Inspector and Vaccinator Walk In Interview

NDMCNew Delhi Municipal Council (NDMC) New Delhi invites applications for fill up Assistant Sanitary Inspector and Vaccinator on contract basis initially for a period of one year or till the vacancy is filled on regular basis.

Post Name

No of Post

Age Limit

Scale of Pay


Assistant Sanitary Inspector


18-30 Years

Rs. 8500/- + Grade Pay Rs. 2800/- + 75% of (DA + Transport Allowance)

1.Matric or its equivalent .
2. Diploma of Sanitary Inspector from a recognized institution.



18-30 Years

Rs. 5200/- + Grade Pay Rs. 2000/- + 75% of (DA + Transport Allowance)

1.Matric or its equivalent .
2. Diploma of Sanitary Inspector from a recognized institution.

Walk In Interview Date: 11.04.2011 , 15.04.2011 at Room No. 1417 , 14th Floor , Palika Kendra, Sansad Marg , New Delhi – 110001.

Detailed Advertisement: https://sites.google.com/site/indiangovernmentjobsin/home/ndmc3.jpg

by | Last Updated on 2011-04-07T07:14:47Z