30 April 2011

IARI Recruitment 2011 of Senior Research Fellow | www.iari.res.in

IARIIndian Agricultural Research Institute (IARI), Division Seed Science and Technology to recruit an outstanding personnel for the post of Senior Research Fellow in the following DBT funded multi-institutional project.

Post Name

No of post

Age Limit

Emoluments (Fixed)


Senior Research Fellow (Three Years)


35 Years

Rs.14000/- plus 30% HRA(Fixed)

Essential: M.Sc (Agri.) Plant Pathology or M.Sc. Biotechnology or M.Sc. Microbiology.

The eligible candidates may appear for the walk-in-interview on 12-05-2011 at 10: 00 AM along with their complete bio-data as per the application format .

Details: http://www.iari.res.in/files/job-sst-srf12-5-2011.pdf

by | Last Updated on 2011-12-15T08:18:46Z