24 April 2011

Goa Shipyard Limited Jobs 2011 for Steno typist

GPLGoa Shipyard Limited, a Public Sector Company under the Ministry of Defense. GPL invites application for the post of Stenotypist On fixed term basis for 02 years.

Name of the Post

No of Post

Age Limit

Scale of Pay




28 years as on 31.03.2011

Basic 6400/- per month during the first year and 6590/- per month during the second year in the pay scale of 6400 -3%- 20910 (M-4)

(a) Graduate in any faculty with shorthand speed of 80/100 w.p.m. and typewriting speed of 30 w.p.m. plus one year certificate course in computer applications and one year experience in line is essential. (b) Knowledge of Hindi shorthand / typewriting is desirable.

How To Apply: Eligible candidates may send in their typed application giving complete details in the following sequence 1) Full Name, 2) Mailing address with contact phone/mobile number, 3) Date of Birth, 4) Class(ST/SC/OBC/PH/Gen./Ex-servicemen etc.), Disability type & percentage disability, 5) Nationality and State of Domicile, 6) Educational and Technical / Professional Qualification and 7) Experience, along with attested copies of all relevant Certificates with a recent passport size photograph pasted on the top right corner of the application by super scribing the post applied on the envelope as well as on the application to- “THE CHIEF GENERAL MANAGER (PERS. & ADMN.), DR. B. R. AMBEDKAR BHAVAN, GOA SHIPYARD LIMITED, VADDEM, VASCO-DA-GAMA, GOA – 403 802.”  The last date for receipt of application is 20th May 2011.

Further Details: http://www.goashipyard.co.in/CareerDetails.aspx?id={0049-0104-0148-0128-0161-0192-0225-0256}

by | Last Updated on 2011-04-24T13:36:43Z