07 April 2011

Delhi State Health Mission Recruitment 2011 Clerk, Computer Data Entry and Assistant |

delhiState Health Society (Delhi), a registered society under the Societies Registration Act, 1860 intends recruiting of following categories of personnel for Delhi State Health Mission (NRHM) on contract basis for a period of eleven months initially. The contract can be renewed on mutual consent and good performance on eleven months basis.


Name of the Post

No of Post

Age Limit

Pay Scale


Estt. Clerk


35 years

Rs.12,920/- PM


Computer Data Entry Operator


30 years

Rs.11,750/- PM


Sr. Data Assistant


40 years

Rs.12,920/- PM


Steno cum Computer


27 years

14,510/- PM

How To Apply: Candidates shall be required to deposit the prescribed application form duly filled up, two photographs, attested certificates (by Gazetted Officer) of qualifications & Experience, three self addressed envelops and attested copy of Reserved Category Certificate (if applicable) from 06-04-2011 to 20-04-2011 between 10 am to 5 pm on all working days in the box kept at State Program Management Unit. 

Detailed Information: Click Here

by | Last Updated on 2011-12-15T08:19:35Z