16 April 2011

Bharat Electronics Limited (BEL) Vacancies 2011 of Deputy Manager and Senior Engineer (04 Posts)

BELBharat Electronics Limited (BEL), a Navaratna Defence Public  Sector Undertaking and India’s Premier Professional Electronics Company requires outstanding Engineering Professionals (B.E/B.TECH/M.E/M.TECH or equivalent) with domain expertise in Development & Engineering of Embedded Systems/Control Systems for its Ghaziabad Unit.  BEL invites application for the post of Post of Senior Engineer/Deputy Manager (Control System for Dynamic Antenna Positioning & Antenna Stabilization).

Name of the Post

Age Limit as
on 01.03.11

Scale of Pay

Minimum Experience as on 01.03.11

Deputy Manager

36 Years

Rs.24,900 - 3% - 50,500

6 Years

Senior Engineer

32 Years

Rs.24,900 - 3% - 50,500

2 Years

Application Fee: Applications of General/OBC candidates should be accompanied by a crossed Demand Draft drawn on any Scheduled Bank (preferably State Bank of India) for Rs. 300/- (DD of  Rs. 50/- in case of SC/ST/PWD candidates) in favour of Bharat Electronics Limited payable at Ghaziabad.

How To Apply: Applications complete in all respects should be sent to Dy. General Manager (HR), Bharat Electronics Limited, Bharat Nagar Post: Ghaziabad (U.P.) Pin 201010 through post/courier on or before 28/04/2011.

Detailed Information: http://www.bel-india.com/images/itm-pdfs/13-Apr-2011-Gbad-Ad.pdf

Application Form: http://www.bel-india.com/images/itm-pdfs/13-Apr-2011-Gbad-Ad-App-form.pdf

by | Last Updated on 2011-12-15T08:18:49Z