National Fertilizers Limited (NFL), Punjab (A Govt of India Undertaking) Bathinda Unit invites applications from Indian Nationals for Pharmacist and Technician (Mechanical and Electrical) in the Pay Scale of Rs.9000-3%-16400 plus other allowances as per rules of the Company. Employment Notification No. 01/2011/BT.
S.No | Name of the Post | No of Post | Qualification |
1. | Pharmacist Gr.V | 02 | Matric. Diploma in Pharmacy or must have |
2. | Technician Gr.V (Mechanical) | 01 | Diploma in Mechanical Engg. with minimum |
3. | Technician Gr.V (Electrical) | 01 | Diploma in Electrical Engg. with minimum 50% |
How To Apply: Candidates fulfilling the prescribed format should send their typed applications on plain paper (A-4 size) in Hindi or English language duly signed with date alongwith attested copies of certificates &
testimonials and a recent passport-size photograph (to be affixed on application) stating following particulars: (i) Post applied for (ii) Name (iii) Father’s Name & Mother’s name (iv) Date of Birth & Age (v)
Sex (vi) Marital status (vii) Present postal address (viii) Permanent Address (ix) Detailed Qualifications indicating Examination passed, University/Board, Max. marks, Marks secured, %age of Marks, subjects
taken (x) Experience / training, if any (xi) Whether belongs to SC/ST/OBC/PH (type of PH) /ESM (if yes, give details) should reach on or before 11.04.2011 to Dy. General Manager (HR), National Fertilizers
Limited, Bathinda-151003 (Punjab). Application received after the due date will not be entertained. The envelope containing application should be superscribed with “POST APPLIED FOR ______________”.
Detailed Information:
by Admin | Last Updated on 2011-03-20T14:02:32Z