28 March 2011

Sports Authority of India Recruitment 2011 for Lower Division Clerk and Junior Accountant | SAI Jobs 2011 | www.sportsauthorityofindia.nic.in

Sports Authority of India (SAI), an Autonomous Organization under the Ministry of Youth Affairs & Sports, invites applications from ELIGIBLE INDIAN NATIONALS for filling up the existing vacancies to the under-mentioned posts at its Head Office, New Delhi and various Regional / Sub-Centres and Training Centers spread all over India.

Post Name

No of Posts

Age Limit as on 01/01/2011

Pay Scale


Lower Division
Clerk (LDC)


18 to 27 Years

PB-I, Rs.5200-20200 + GP 1900/-

12th Class pass or equivalent qualification. Should pass type-writing test in
English with a minimum speed of 35 wpm or in
Hindi with a minimum speed of 30 wpm on

Junior Accountant


18 to 27 Years

PB-I, Rs.5200-20200 + GP 2400/-

Bachelor of Commerce (B.Com.). Knowledge of computer application including Spread- sheet and Accounting software.

How To Apply: Last date for receipt of application form complete in all aspects together with demand draft towards application fees is April 15, 2011. Application forms, complete in all respects, with enclosures, should be sent in a closed cover with a superscription on the cover “Application for the Post of ___________” to the following address by ORDINARY POST only: “POST BOX NO. 7049, INDRAPRASTHA HEAD POST OFFICE NEW DELHI - 110 002.”

Details: http://www.sportsauthorityofindia.nic.in/writereaddata/mainlinkfile/File791.pdf

Application Form: http://www.sportsauthorityofindia.nic.in/showimage1.asp?uid=writereaddata/mainlinkfile/File787.doc

by | Last Updated on 2015-07-16T06:33:30Z