Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited (BHEL), Haridwar (A Government of India Undertaking) India’s premier Navratna engineering organization provides world class products and services for the core sectors of Indian economy viz., Power Generation, Transmission, Industry, Transportation, Renewable Energy, Defence etc. Central Foundry Forge Plant (CFFP), a metallurgical unit of BHEL at Haridwar, engaged in manufacturing and supplying various types of steel castings and forgings to vital sectors like Power, Steel, Defence, Nuclear, Space, Shipping, Machine Building and General Engineering and Transformer Plant BHEL, Jhansi has the requirement of Artisans in different trades.
S.No | Name of the Post | No of Post | Age Limit | Qualification |
1. | Artisan (Forger and Heat Treater) | 02 | 27 years | lass Xth (High School) pass with ITI and NAC (National Apprenticeship Certificate) in the trade of Forger & Heat |
2. | Artisan (Boiler Operator) | 04 | 45 years | Class Xth(High School) pass with First Class Boiler Attendant Certificate examination passed from any Boiler Board Directorate of any state. |
3. | Artisan (Laboratory Assistant) | 01 | 27 years | B.Sc. (Hons.) Chemistry with minimum 60 % marks (for all candidates General, SC, ST, OBC) from a recognised university (3yrs – Full Time). Physics and Mathematics should be other subjects in B.Sc. |
Application Fee: A non – refundable processing / examination fee of Rs 125/- payable by General & OBC candidates. SC, ST and Physically Challenged candidates are exempted from payment of any application fee.
How To Apply: Application, in the prescribed format, which can be downloaded from website http://careers.bhelhwr.co.in is to be sent addressed to Manager (HR), HR Department, Administrative Building, Central Foundry Forge Plant, Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited, Ranipur , Haridwar – 249403 (Uttarakhand). The last date of receipt of applications is 05.03.2011.
Detailed Advertisement: http://www.careers.bhelhwr.co.in/recruitment/AdvertisementEnglish.pdf
Further Detailed Information: http://www.careers.bhelhwr.co.in/recruitment/add.html
by Admin | Last Updated on 2011-02-15T08:48:13Z