The Marine Products Export Development Authority (MPEDA) Cochin invites applications from eligible Indian Persons for filling up post of Accounts Officer, Technical Officer, Junior Technical Officer and Electrical Operator.
About: MPEDA under Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Government of India.
Name of Post | Total Vacancies | Age Limit (as on 17/06/2014) | Scale of Post |
Accounts Officer | 01 | 45 Years | PB-2 Rs.9300-34800 + Rs.4800/- |
Technical Officer (Quality Control) | 01 | 35 Years | PB-2 Rs.9300-34800 + Rs.4600/- |
Junior Technical Officer (Quality Control) | 05 | 28 Years | PB-2 Rs.9300-34800 + Rs.4200/- |
Electrical Operator | 01 | 30 Years | PB-1 Rs.5200-20200 + Rs.1900/- |
Age Relaxation -> 05 Years for Govt./Quasi Government Servants; 10 years in the case of existing employees of MPEDA/RGCA/NETFISH/ NaCSA.
Educational Qualifications:
Accounts Officer -> Intermediate CA or ICWA with 2 years experience in accounting (OR) Pass in SAS examination with 5 years experience (OR) B.Com with Accounting as main subject with 7 years experience.
Technical Officer -> Essential - Master's degree or equivalent in Chemistry/Bio-chemistry/Micro-biology/Food Technology and Industrial Fisheries, M.F.Sc Two years experience in chemical analysis of Food products. Desirable - Experience in seafood processing or quality control relating to fish products.
Junior Technical Officer -> Master's degree or equivalent in Chemistry/Bio-chemistry/Micro-biology/industrial Fisheries/Fish Processing Technology (OR) B.F.Sc. or equivalent (OR) Food Preservation/Processing Technology.
Electrical Operator -> ITI Electrical Trade Certificate with one year experience after qualifying (OR) Approved Wireman's License from the State Govts.and having 3 years working experience after obtaining the License.
Application Fee: Rs.250/- (A Non-Refundable) in the form of Demand Draft (DD) drawn in favour of "The Secretary, MPEDA" payable at Ernakulam should be sent along with the application. No fee for SC/ST/PH/Ex-Servicemen candidates and employees of MPEDA and its Societies.
How To Apply: Application in the prescribed format should reach to "The Secretary, Marine Products Export Development Authority, MPEDA House, Panampilly Avenue, Panampilly Nagar, Cochin-682036" on or before 17/06/2014. The cover enclosing the application should be super-scribed "Application for the post of_______"
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Name of Post | No of Vacancies | Age Limit (as on 21/04/2014) | Scale of Pay |
Assistant Director (Aquaculture) | 04 (SC-02, UR-02) | 40 Years | PB-3 Rs.15600-39100 Grade Pay Rs.5400/- |
Assistant Director (Export Promotion) | 05 (ST-01, OBC-01, UR-03) | 32 Years | PB-3 Rs.15600-39100 Grade Pay Rs.5400/- |
Assistant Director (Statistics) | 01 (UR) | 32 Years | PB-3 Rs.15600-39100 Grade Pay Rs.5400/- |
Educational Qualifications:
Assistant Director (Aquaculture) ->
(1) Essential - D.F.Sc. of the CIFE/Post Graduate Degree in Mariculture/Aquaculture, Fishery Science, Zoology, Marine Biology, Ocean Life Science, Industrial Fisheries or equivalent with minimum 3 years experience in Prawn Farming or Aquaculture Research.
(2) Desirable - Doctorate in any of the subjects mentioned above.
Assistant Director (Export Promotion) ->
(1) Ph.D in Fisheries/Fish Processing/Fish Quality Control/Aquaculture/ Industrial Fisheries (OR)
(2) M.F.Sc. in Fishery Science OR M.Sc in Industrial Fisheries with 3 years experience in Fisheries Development/ Fisheries Research/ Fish Processing/ Quality Control in Fish Processing/ Aquaculture/ Marketing of fish or fisheries products.
Assistant Director (Statistics) ->
(1) Essential - M.Sc in statistics/Applied Statistics with 3 years experience in the statistical analysis/statistical data processing in any State/Central Govt. Organization or Autonomous Bodies/Public Enterprises / Private Industry.
(2) Desirable - Ph.D in Statistics/Applied Statistics. Having Economics as subsidiary or main subject at the degree level.
Application Fee: A Non-refundable fee of Rs.250/- in the form of Demand Draft (DD) drawn in favour of "The Secretary, MPEDA". the fee payable at Ernakulam should be sent along with the application. No application fee is required in the case of SC/ST/ PH/Ex Servicemen candidates and employees of MPEDA and its Societies.
How To Apply: Applications on the prescribed format. Completed applications should reach to "The Secretary, Marine Products Export Development Authority, MPEDAHouse, Panampilly Avenue, Panampilly Nagar, Cochin-682036" on or before 21/04/2014. The cover enclosing the application should be super scribed "Application for the post of______"
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The Marine Products Export Development Authority (MPEDA, Ministry of Commerce & Industry, Government of India) Cochin invites applications for the post of Deputy Director, Junior Hindi Translator and Hindi Stenographer. Eligible candidates apply on the prescribed format on or before 31st January 2014.
Post Name | No of Posts | Age Limit (as on 31/01/2014) | Pay Band & Grade Pay |
Deputy Director (Official Language) | 01 (UR) | 40 years | PB-3 Rs.15600-39100 & Grade Pay Rs.6600/- |
Junior Hindi Translator | 01 (UR) | 28 years | PB-2 Rs.9300-34800 & Grade Pay Rs.4200/- |
Hindi Stenographer | 01 (OBC) | 18 to 28 years | PB-1 Rs.5200-20200 & Grade Pay Rs.2400/- |
Educational Qualifications:
Deputy Director (Official Language) -> Essential - 1. Master's Degree of a recognized University or equivalent in Hindi with English as a subject at the degree level. 8 years experience or terminological work in Hindi and/ or translation work from English to Hindi or vice-versa in Govt.organisation /Public Sector Undertaking as Hindi Officer/ Assistant Director (Official Language). Desirable - Post Graduate Diploma in Translation.
Junior Hindi Translator -> Master's Degree of a recognized University with Hindi/ English with English / Hindi as a compulsory elective subject or as a medium of examination at degree level. (OR) Bachelors degree of a recognized University with Hindi and English as compulsory/ elective subject or either of the two as medium of examination and the other as a compulsory / elective subject, plus A recognized Diploma in translation work from Hindi to English and vice-versa or two years experience of translation work from Hindi to English and Vice-versa in Govt. Organization/ semi Govt.Organization/ Public Sector Undertaking. Desirable: Knowledge of MaJayalam.
Hindi Stenographer -> SSLC with 100 w.p.m speed in Hindi Shorthand and 40 w.p.m in Hindi typewriting Desirable: Knowledge of English stenography and typewriting.
Application Fee: Rs.250/- (non-refundable) in the form of Demand Draft drawn in favour of "The Secretary, MPEDA", payable at Ernakulam should be sent along with the application. No application fee is required in the case of SC/ST candidates and employees of MPEDA and its Societies.
How To Apply: Application in the prescribed pro-forma should reach "The Secretary, Marine Products Export Development Authority, MPEDA House, Panampilly Avenue, PanampillyNagar,Cochin-682036" on or before 31/01/2014. The cover enclosing the application should be superscribed "Application for the post of_________"
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by Admin | Last Updated on 2014-05-06T11:10:03Z